Law News & Publications
Trade Marks 2018 | Trinidad and Tobago
2018Presented by: Ariane Ramnath and Kimberleigh Peterson
Behind The Great Firewall Facebook in China
2016Hoping to quench your thirst with a refreshing ‘face book’ beverage? Although once a possibility for residents of China, this is no longer the case.
2016According to the Trinidad Express on 1st March 2016, the Caribbean Development Bank (“CDB”) has advised that “Trinidad and Tobago’s economic recession will last at least to the end of 2016”.
International Comparative Legal Guide to: Securitisation; published by Global Legal
2016Trinidad and Tobago has become heavily industrialised in the past 20 years through the development of industrial estates, in particular the Point Lisas Industrial Estate where a large variety of manufacturing plants have been established.
Moving to T&T Made Easy by Gabriella Garcia ( Reproduced with permission from ‘Business Trinidad and Tobago 2015-16)
2016The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago (T&T) Is well-known as the business hub of the cartbbean. Coupled with beaches, wildlife, and a multicultural society of warm people, our twin-Island state offers numerous opportunities to those seeking a new life In a perpetual summer season.
Insider Trading and The Connected Person: The Implications of the Legislative Amendments – Institute of Banking & Finance
2015In keeping with our mandate to promote and advance the banking profession and provide matters of interest to bankers and individuals in other financial institutions, we continue with the second issue of frequently asked questions. We hope the feedback is beneficial.