Law News & Publications
Material Change and Disclosure Obligations-Institute of Banking & Finance of T&T Newsletter
2014Finance’s Cert. FA proramme in 2012, is an Attorney-at-Law at J.D. Sellier + Co. Barrie represents his banking and financial service clients in the areas of tax, corporate and commercial law and litigation. B
Recent Tax Cases: Implications for Tax law and Appeal Practice
2014In February 2014, in a team lead by our Barrie Attzs, J.D. Sellier + Co. successfully represented three of our clients in cases that have very significant implications for tax law and tax appeal practice, in Trinidad & Tobago (“T&T”).
The Role of Instructing Attorney-At-Law in the Trial Process
2014Traditionally in Trinidad and Tobago, lawyers practiced as either barristers or solicitors as we followed the English legal system. The strict application of this division has, for the most part, been dispensed with in our local jurisdiction since 1986.
Appropriate Dispute Resolution –The Way Forward
2013There can be no doubt that the Supreme Court (and the Magistracy) is faced with the daunting task of managing and adjudicating on the numerous matters filed each year.
Payments to Non-Residents, Legal Minefields, the Management Charge Restriction, and Canons of Statutory Interpretation
2013Given the current backlog of cases at the Tax Appeal Board, the length of time it takes for decisions to be issued, the even greater amount of time it takes for those decisions to be published
When can I terminate this employee??
2013Imagine you are an employer and you have an employee who by all accounts has abandoned the job. The employee in question has not turned out to work for several days